Chicagoland Environmental Network - Where GREEN things happen!
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Access information about each of CEN's members below. Just click on the letter that begins an organization's name.

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Mission: To accelerate the pace of positive environmental change by unleashing the collaborative power of motivated businesses and passionate people in support of our vital network of member organizations.

Eden Place Nature Center
Mission: What was once an illegal dumpsite is now a center for hope, growth, and change in Fuller Park. Eden Place Nature Center is an award-winning program run by Fuller Park Community Development Corporation (FPCD), a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. Eden Place...

Elgin Public Museum of Natural History and Anthropology
Mission: To promote a comprehension and appreciation of both our natural world and other cultures, both past and present; and to increase our awareness of the consequences of the decisions human cultures have made through time.
Volunteer Opportunities

Endangered Species Coalition
Mission: As the guardian of the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (ESA), the Endangered Species Coalition (ESC) speaks on endangered species issues for some 360 environmental, conservation, religious, scientific, humane, sporting and business groups around the countr...

Environmental Defenders of McHenry County
Mission: In order to protect all living things, the Environmental Defenders is dedicated to the preservation and improvement of the natural environment in McHenry County. As a grass roots organization, we are committed to building sound ecological relationships b...
Volunteer Opportunities

Environmental Education Association of Illinois
Mission: To maintain a vital network that supports and advances environmental education throughout the state.

Environmental Education Center
Mission: The mission of the Center is to teach local residents about the interaction of industry, people, and the ecology of the region to foster an appreciation of the delicate dependence of economic well-being on a healthy ecosystem. Teaches school children and...

Environmental Law & Policy Center
Mission: Midwest public interest environmental advocacy organization working to promote sustainable energy, transportation and land use policies to conserve natural resources and improve the quality of life in our communities.

Evanston Ecology Center
Mission: The Ecology Center's mission is to offer educational programs to the local community that will foster a greater appreciation, awareness and knowledge of the environment.
Jobs & Internships

Evanston Environmental Association
Mission: Strives to expand the community's enjoyment and understanding of nature and to bring about wise use of natural resources through environmental education for people of all ages.

Evanston North Shore Bird Club
Mission: The Evanston North Shore Bird Club is a non-profit membership organization dedicated to the study, protection and enjoyment of wild birds and the protection of natural resources. As a member of the Bird Conservation Network, we work to bring bird conserv...
Volunteer Opportunities

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