Chicagoland Environmental Network - Where GREEN things happen!
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Access information about each of CEN's members below. Just click on the letter that begins an organization's name.

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Max McGraw Wildlife Foundation
Mission: Secure the future of hunting, fishing and land management through programs of science, education, demonstration and communication.
Jobs & Internships

McHenry County Conservation District
Mission: McHenry County Conservation District exists to preserve, restore, and manage natural areas and open spaces for their intrinsic value and for the benefits to present and future generations.
Volunteer Opportunities

McHenry-Lake County Soil and Water Conservation District
Mission: To provide the public with natural resource information and assist them in making wise land use decisions, through resource reports, individual contact and educational programs.

Metropolitan Planning Council
Mission: Since 1934, the Metropolitan Planning Council (MPC) has been dedicated to shaping a more sustainable and prosperous greater Chicago region. As an independent, nonprofit, nonpartisan organization, MPC serves communities and residents by developing, promoti...

Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago
Mission: The MWRD will protect the health and safety of the public in its service area, protect the quality of the water supply source (Lake Michigan), improve the quality of water in watercourses in its service area, protect businesses and homes from flood damage...

Midewin National Tallgrass Prairie
Mission: To conserve, restore, and enhance the native populations and habitats of fish, wildlife, and plants. To provide opportunities for scientific, environmental, and land use education and research. To allow the continuation of existing agricultural uses of la...
Volunteer Opportunities

Midwest Renewable Energy Association
Mission: The Midwest Renewable Energy Association (MREA) promotes renewable energy, energy efficiency, and sustainable living through education and demonstration.
Volunteer Opportunities

Moms Clean Air Force—Illinois
Mission: Our mission is to protect children from air pollution and climate change. We envision a safe, stable future where all children breathe clean air.

Morton Arboretum (The)
Mission: To collect and study trees, shrubs, and other plants from around the world, to display them across naturally beautiful landscapes, and to learn how to grow them in ways that enhance our environment. Our goal is to encourage the planting and conservation o...
Jobs & Internships

Museum of Science and Industry
Mission: To inspire the inventive genius in everyone by presenting captivating and compelling experiences that are real and educational. To do this we must be fun, inclusive, provocative and spectacular.
Volunteer Opportunities

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