Chicagoland Environmental Network - Where GREEN things happen!
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Access information about each of CEN's members below. Just click on the letter that begins an organization's name.

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Waukegan Harbor Citizens Advisory Group
Mission: To ensure expeditious development and implementation of a Remedial Action Plan (RAP) for the Waukegan Harbor Area of Concern; to foster among the public a sense of responsibility for restoring and maintaining the ecological integrity of the Waukegan Harbo...

West Chicago Prairie Stewardship Group
Mission: Our mission is to restore selected areas of the West Chicago Prairie Nature Preserve to a sustainable, self-replicating array of plant and animal species emulating the structure, function, diversity and dynamics of pre-settlement conditions, and to provid...

West Cook County Solid Waste Agency
Mission: West Cook County Solid Waste Agency (WCCSWA) plans for the responsible management of solid waste in west Cook County, Illinois. The goal of the Agency and its members is to help residents and businesses in west Cook County to recycle and manage their garb...

Wetlands Initiative (The)
Mission: The Wetlands Initiative is a nonprofit corporation dedicated to restoring the wetlands resources of the Midwest to improve water quality, increase wildlife habitat and biodiversity, and reduce flood damages.

Wheaton Park District
Mission: To enrich the quality of community life through a diversity of healthy leisure pursuits and heightened appreciation for the natural world.
Jobs & Internships

Wheeling Park District
Mission: To provide memorable experiences in parks and recreation that enrich our communities.

Wild Ones—Greater DuPage Chapter
Mission: Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes promotes environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities.

Wild Ones—Lake-to-Prairie Chapter
Mission: Wild Ones: Native Plants, Natural Landscapes promotes environmentally sound landscaping practices to preserve biodiversity through the preservation, restoration and establishment of native plant communities.

Wildlife Discovery Center at Elawa Farm
Mission: To build new generations of guardians and advocates for all wildlife and their habitat through sharing, caring, research and many adventures in conservation education.
Volunteer Opportunities

Will County Land Use Department, Resource Recovery and Energy Division
Mission: The mission of this website is to make information available to residents of all ages, business and community groups. This information provides techniques to reduce energy consumption and provides examples of numerous ways anyone can do more to green his...

Will/South Cook Soil and Water Conservation District
Mission: The primary resource concerns of the Will-South Cook Soil and Water Conservation District include soil erosion and sediment control, water quality, natural resource management, the preservation of prime farmland, and conservation education.

Willowbrook Wildlife Center
Mission: Our goal is to provide rehabilitation to native and passing migrant wildlife of DuPage county and education on the biological and ecosystems current and native to this area. We achieve these goals through our rehabilitation facilities and educational staf...
Volunteer Opportunities

Working Bikes
Mission: Working Bikes rescues discarded bicycles and gives them new life by redistributing them as tools of empowerment in local and global communities.

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